A well-maintained fire sprinkler system through effective fire sprinkler systems service is the first step in protecting your business, facility, and employees from a fire. The fire sprinkler system buys you time by suppressing the fire until firefighters arrive to extinguish it; however, it needs to be properly tested, inspected and maintained to guarantee it can operate when needed.

Fire sprinkler systems might not function when needed – a system could have issues, such as city feed issues, depleted pressure, frozen parts of the system, or sticky valves. These are all common problems that could occur, yet, one would never be aware of these if the system were not maintained properly with fire sprinkler systems service until an emergency arises.
Most buildings never experience a fire, which indicates their fire sprinkler systems are never used. Similar to emergencies, power generators and fire sprinkler systems are used irregularly and not for long when they see action. Even so, they require scheduled fire sprinkler systems service to keep working properly. According to NFPA 25, the Standard for the inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems, sprinkler systems should have maintenance measures.
Check Non-Electronic Control Values
Sprinkler control valves that are non-electric must be open to distribute water when a fire happens. If your valves are closed, and a fire occurs, it is like not having a sprinkler system. Building owners should check non-electric control valves weekly to guarantee they are open. If your building has electronic control valves, they can be tested during the full fire sprinkler systems service that should be performed annually.
If you need assistance in checking the control valves in your building's sprinkler system, request an inspection from a fire service professional experienced in fire sprinkler systems service.
Remove Dirt and Grime From Sprinkler Heads
Through time, sprinkler heads can gather a coating of dirt and grime that temporarily impedes water flow from the heads. Particularly vulnerable to coatings are sprinklers located in areas where grease builds up, such as kitchens. These coatings could be removed from sprinkler heads by washing them using a non-residue, non-corrosive degreasing solution. Most importantly, building owners should avoid painting sprinkler heads when painting the ceiling of a room.
Remove High Objects From Beneath the Sprinklers
Technically, clearing high objects from beneath the sprinklers isn't a maintenance measure. However, removing them helps guarantee that sprinklers distribute water evenly throughout the room. Rooms in which stacked or tall objects block the spray of sprinklers are essentially fire hazards. A fire service expert familiar with the information in NFPA 25 and Fire Detection and Suppression Systems, 4th Ed. might suggest alternative storage solutions.
Check Water Pressure For Sprinklers
Sprinklers require a sufficient amount of water pressure to spray water throughout a room. Consequently, it is good to have a fire service professional or a seasoned plumber check the water pressure for sprinklers quarterly through a comprehensive fire sprinkler systems service. If the other water fixtures in the building receive sufficient water pressure, the chances are that the sprinkler system will, too. However, it's always good to check because valves deep in the system can be accidentally turned off.
Perform A Full Fire Sprinkler Systems Service
No matter the type of sprinkler system a building contains, the owner should have a fire service professional check the system annually. Because they are more comprehensive, annual fire sprinkler systems service and inspections could reveal things that weekly and quarterly inspections don't, such as pipe issues deep in the sprinkler system, parts corrosion in sprinkler units, and a poorly calibrated sprinkler system that fails to respond important stimuli the way it should.
Fire Sprinkler Inspection and Maintenance
Why do these required and important inspections and maintenance procedures matter so much to you as the business manager or owner? In the event of a fire, even just a few minutes or delay in the operation of your fire sprinkler system could be devastating. Every second is important to the success of the fire system and the minimization of downtime for your business. When your fire sprinkler system is functioning and properly maintained, you will minimize the property damage, shorten the interruption to the business due to damage and repair and potentially reduce your insurance premiums.
Fire Sprinkler Systems Service
A properly functioning and well-maintained fire sprinkler system is among the first lines of defense in keeping your facility, business, and employees safe from a fire.
Fire sprinkler systems help by suppressing fire until the fire department responds and arrives to extinguish the fire. But, the fire sprinkler system needs to be properly maintained for the sprinkler system to work properly. That includes fire sprinkler systems service to ensure it will operate when needed.
Every second counts when a fire occurs, so having a properly functioning fire sprinkler system is the difference between protecting your most vital assets and the business operation time loss while waiting for repairs.
There are various reasons why a fire sprinkler system may not function when needed; some common reasons include — the system could have any number of service problems, such as reduced water pressure from the city, pressure gauges that aren't functioning properly, water valves that are closed or other worn out parts and are now past their effective life cycle.
How Often Should Sprinklers be Inspected?
Fire sprinkler systems should be checked and tested regularly. When you partner with a fire protection provider, you could set up regularly scheduled inspections that keep the systems functional and code compliant. Fire sprinklers inspections and tests should be performed:
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Quarterly
- Semi-annually
- Annually
- Every three years
- Every five years
Sprinklers are tested and inspected per NFPA 25. NFPA 25 sets the standard for inspection and testing frequencies of fire sprinkler systems.
Following the proper testing and inspection process outlined in NFPA 25 and maintaining a set schedule for the inspection and testing of your facilities, fire sprinkler systems can mean the difference between providing proper life safety for your employees, customers, and property and discovering too late that the fire sprinkler system has maintenance problems that prevented it from operating as required.
That is where a partnership with a reputable fire protection equipment service company becomes valuable. Ensuring that proper fire sprinkler systems service is being performed can be extremely overwhelming for the business owner. Trust us at A-1 Fire & Security Equipment to deal with tracking all of the details required to offer the proper maintenance of the fire equipment so that you can take care of your business.